Sunday, February 21, 2010


Title- Patrol

Author- Walter Dean Myers

ISBN 0060283645

Publication Information- HarperCollins, New York: 2002

Plot Summary- This is a children's style picture book that is not for young children by any means. The story is one of Myers's poems about Vietnam. It reflects on the land, his platoon, a firefight with air support, an invasion of a village, and the return to his base. The images are in the form of a collage and were created by Ann Grifalconi.

Critical Evaluation- This is a fascinating find. It is rare to have a picture book that is targeted for older children. As a poem, it is worthy of study by itself. The imagery is strong- better than the collage images themselves. The structure is fragmented as one might expect the life of a soldier to be. The poem reflects not only what the soldier would see but what he felt in these situations. He contrasts the beauty of the forest with the fear of death and the sadness of destruction caused by airstrikes. He shows the fear of clearing a village because he doesn't know who the enemy will be in any situation contrasted against the simplicity and quiet of the rice patties.

Reader's Annotation- Miss reading picture books?

Author Information- Walter Dean Myers enlisted in the military at seventeen after dropping out of school

Curricular Ties- History, Art

Genre- War

Book talking ideas- How the art reflect the imagery of the poem? Does the imagery of the poem reflect the realities of war?

Challenge issues- none

  1. Re-read the text to familiarize myself with the story
  2. Ask parents for their specific objections (they are required to file that with our school district)
  3. Review approved books list from California Department of Education for similar materials
  4. Review approaches from ALA

Interest Age- The book is designated for 10 and above, but the content makes it more applicable to 13 and above.

Why I selected this piece- I'm always looking for good picture books to use with my students and stumbled across this one for a unit on war poetry.


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