Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Stand

Title –The Stand

Author Stephen King

ISBN 0451169530

Publication Information- Signet, 1991


Plot Summary- At 1,100 pages, this is not an easy novel to summarize, but it is worth the read. Through an unforeseen and unexplained reason, the military has unleashed a chemical weapon with a 99.4% effectiveness, meaning that only .6% of the population survives. In the United States, those people find themselves drawn to one of two people, Mother Abigail or Randall Flagg. Seven of the people drawn to Abigail are the protagonists in this epic story of good versus evil. The party of people rapidly expands as more people are drawn (via dreams) to Mother Abigail and eventually to Golden Colorado. Flagg's people take up residence in Las Vegas. The central characters discover that Flagg is bent on destroying them and they know they must act first. Four of them set out to stop Flagg once and for all.

Critical Evaluation- This is not a book for the faint of heart. As a post-apocalyptic story, it starts out clearly horrific in the description of the superflu, and many might be turned off by that alone. However, this is a classic hero's journey story in the vein of Lord of the Rings. The characters are well-developed and the story is highly complex even though it comes down to a simple theme. Randall Flagg makes appearances in many King novels so a diehard reader knows he will be a worthy adversary, and even those new to King will find him an interesting antagonist- both charming and terrifying in the same breath. The only pitfall of this novel is possibly its length, but King's use of cliffhanger chapter endings makes it a page turner quickly. If I'm not caught in the first chapter of a book, I rarely keep reading. This one did that and more.

Reader's Annotation- Captain Trips, or the super-flu as wiped out over 99% of the population, and the remaining people- scattered across the country- must decide if they will stand with good or the ultimate evil for survival.

Author Information-It's Stephen King- what's there to say? He is one of the most prolific writers of this generation. He has published 65 novels or short story collections and has won a host of award listed below. Although primarily a horror writer, he has crossed into science fiction and fantasy on occasion. Many of his novels have been adapted to film and he is known for having a cameo appearance in all of them.


World Horror Convention 1992: World Horror Grandmaster

Curricular Ties- Science

Genre- Horror, post-apocalypse

Book talking ideas- Not all people that go to Flagg are evil. What are the seeming benefits in choosing him? Explain the difference between the two camps from a survival perspective.

Challenge issues

  1. Re-read the text to familiarize myself with the story
  2. Ask parents for their specific objections (they are required to file that with our school district)
  3. Review approved books list from California Department of Education for similar materials
  4. Review approaches from ALA

Interest Age- 16- adult. This is a cross-over piece

Why I selected this piece- This book is one of my all time favorites, and many students really enjoy it as well. It is definitely a piece for strong readers.

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